Some scholars believe the Anunakis live on planet Nibiru. Nibiruans live on the planet Nibiru, which revolves around our sun every 3,600 years. Nibiru is the 12th planet (counting the Sun and Moon) in our local solar system, and is due to cross the orbits of Earth and Mars in the very near future. The time is gradually approaching, their ship is already in our sky. The real image and resemblance of Anunnaki are the Arabs especially the in Afghanistan. Some believe they create all humanity on planet earth, but I believe they created only the Arabs, while other humanity were created by Pleiadians, like the  Jews.

Anunnaki Ties to Comets ISON and Encke:
With two well known celestial objects on the horizon, one must question why the comets ISON and Encke were given those particular names. The word “on” is associated with the word An (pronounced “on”), as in Anunnaki, and one of their leaders, Anu (ON-nu). The prefix for ISON would be IS, as in Isis who is the same character in folklore as Inanna and the Sumerian Goddess, Ishtar.

So, if you seperate the word ISON to become IS + ON, you get Ishtar, of the Anunnaki.
Comet Encke is much more obvious to those who have studied the Anunnaki. Enki (as in comet Encke) was a Sumerian God who was later referred to as Ea (as in why our planet is called EArth). Enki was the deity of crafts, mischief, water, seawater, lake water, intelligence and creation.

The UFOs = Anunnaki?

Many people are looking toward the western skies at an anomaly we can only call a UFO, as there are no major stars or planets in this particular area of the sky, according to the cellphone app, SkEye or Stellarium. Some believe this UFO may possibly be a Pleiadian or Arcturian ship but it is also possible that it might be the return of the Anunnaki.

As evidence from many reports and videos from all around the globe, this UFO changes color and size. Various sacred geometry shapes can be detected from this UFO and the colors will change intermittently. If this UFO is the Anunnaki, expect all governments to ensure that a new star will be placed on SkEye and Stellarium applications to cover up the fact that we are not alone in this galaxy or universe. For some people, this will be too much for them to swallow. Others will deny what is happening but for those who have the capability to look outside the box, all possibilities exist without fear or apprehension.

The Systems of Control:
Governments rarely tell us the truth and cover their trails with the excuses of the information being “confidential” or a “security risk” so it is quite possible that most governments know about the return of the Anunnaki, yet fear telling the people because it would collapse their economic slave systems and world religions as we know them.

A thought to ponder comes from the Christian bible, King James Version. In Genesis 1:26, it states, ” And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…” One must question why it says “let US make man in OUR image”. If there was one god, then should it read, ” And God said, Let ME make man in MY own image”. Is it possible that the bible was written by the Anunnaki and designed to control man through fear? After all, religion = subservience, control and conformity, which is the same template as EVERY government.

For the record, the King James version of the Bible was edited by Sir Francis Bacon, who was a 33rd degree Freemason. At this level of freemasonry, there is a motto of “ordo ab chao” which means “order out of chaos”. The bible ends in chaos with the chapter called Revelation.

Gold Slaves:
In the Sumerian tale, Enki disobeyed his father, Anu, and loved the human creations. Enki and Anu have been at war ever since this betrayal. Anu was one of the “creator gods” who manipulated our DNA to make us slave workers who would mine the gold on this planet for the Anunnaki.

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